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Over 15 tons of controlled chemicals seized in western Myanmar

YANGON, Aug. 18 (Xinhua) — Myanmar police have seized over 15 tons of controlled chemicals and 1,020 liters of propiophenone in western Myanmar’s Sagaing region, according to the Central Committee for Drug Abuse Control (CCDAC) on Sunday.
Acting on a tip-off, the country’s anti-narcotics police searched two vehicles in Sagaing township on Aug. 13 and confiscated 2.35 tons of ammonium chloride, 13 tons of caffeine, and 1,020 liters of propiophenone.
The seized chemicals, which were being transported from the Myanmar-India border to Kale township and then onward to Shan State, are estimated to have a street value of over 4.2 billion kyats (about 2 million U.S. dollars), the CCDAC said.
The suspects involved in the case have been charged under the law, and further investigations were underway. ■
